Open Fog Computing and Mobile Edge Cloud Gain Momentum

On 19th November 2015, Cisco, ARM, Dell, Intel, Microsoft and Princeton University have launched the Open Fog consortium with the goal to realise the full potential of the Internet of Things. On the other hand, the telecoms industry has been working since late 2014 on mobile edge computing. Also, edge cloud is seen by several vendors of telecoms infrastructure as a key component of 5th generation wireless systems. To add to the confusion, other renowned institutes like Carnegie Mellon University have promoted Cloudlets as a means to enable a new generation of edge cloud computing applications. What’s going on? How are things related?  Continue reading

Open Web Platform – Relentless Progress


Once a year, the World Wide Web gathers in the form of its ‘member companies’ and experts to meet, take stock, look into the future and debate what the focus areas shall be to improve the web. The organisation undertaking this effort is the World Wide Web Consortium, W3C. End of Oct 2012, the latest gathering took place, this time in France. Some of the discussions stay private to the consortium members, others are public. Here some opinions on the public aspects. Continue reading